December 29, 2007

Articulated Hand for under $20

Looking for a cool science fair project? Forget the exploding volcano, check out this Articulated Hand project! “My niece Sydney needed help for a 7th grade Science Fair project. I helped another friend’s daughter (Kaitlin) build an articulated hand for a project in the past and suggested we resurrect the project. The build is fun for the kids and I wanted to try some enhancements on the original idea. Materials:

Guess what this isn't contest

Congratulation to the last contest winner. Last short contest of 2007! No emails this time, simply reply in the comments what this device isn’t. 🙂 Make it funny, crazy, weird… Just use your imagination. With a short vote the best comment will win the prize. The prize this week will be another one of those cool tiny helicopters. This contest will run from Saturday to Wednesday (December 29, 2007 –