January 3, 2008

Cynergy Labs Project Maestro - Wiimote Fingertip Control

Cynergy Labs is working on some cool technology! Using the concepts that Johnny Chung Lee introduced as a building block. This system uses the Wiimote as a camera looking at the users fingers to determine what the user wants to do. I can see this technology being built into laptops and other computer system in the near future to be used at an additional input device. “Maestro brings together Microsoft

Virtual Drums via Real-Time Stereovision 3D Tracking

Matthieu Aubry, Julien Rouvière and Xavier Maurice have developed a drum system that uses two cameras to track drum sticks in real-time. This allows the player to drum away on virtual drums, the computer analyzes what the player is hitting in the virtual world and plays the corresponding sounds. Video after the jump. “Video acquisition of the 2 cameras simultaneously, at a frequency of 30Hz. At this step, image data