January 8, 2008

Guerilla Drive-In Theater

Projector, Old stereo, laptop, and a few connecting cables: Its likely these are things you already have, or can borrow with a few phone calls to your friends. Have you ever thought of starting a Guerrilla Drive-in, aka MobMov? “With hundreds of movie mobs across the world, the Mobile Movie is bringing back the forgotten joy of the great American drive-in. Powered by cars and low-cost film projectors, ‘mobmovs’ are

Hacked Gadgets Happy Holidays Contest Winner

The Holiday Contest was a great success! Thanks for the great participation. 🙂 Rick Crammond is the lucky winner, he let us know that the Bluetooth Retro Handset is something he would like to add to his collection of gadgets, comment 13 in the Is this real or What post was the winning pick.

Interview with Johnny Lee

  Above is a video from Johnny Lee, a Computer Engineer who has chosen the Wii Remote as one of his main hacking platforms. Johnny was kind enough to take some time out of his busy schedule to do an interview with us.   Alan Parekh: Thanks for taking the time to do this interview with us. Johnny Lee: Your welcome, it’s a pleasure to chat with you. AP: I

Audio Modulated Solid State Tesla Coil Video Walkthrough

  Lolly from Germany is a creator of one of the Tesla coils that was featured in the Musical Tesla Coil Collection article last week. Lolly has now created a video that walks through the technology he used to build his device. “Overview and demonstration of my SSTC Setup. The RF is generated with a Class-E MOSFET stage with controllable Frequency. The sound is modulated on the gate signal of