Projector, Old stereo, laptop, and a few connecting cables: Its likely these are things you already have, or can borrow with a few phone calls to your friends. Have you ever thought of starting a Guerrilla Drive-in, aka MobMov?
“With hundreds of movie mobs across the world, the Mobile Movie is bringing back the forgotten joy of the great American drive-in. Powered by cars and low-cost film projectors, ‘mobmovs’ are easy and affordable to set up. Abandoned warehouse walls spring to life flash mob style with the sights and sounds of your favorite big screen movie”
It’s a great way to bring the community together, and easy for any techie to throw together with a little bit of creative planning and some ingenuitive setup. Theres even an instructable on how to get your own started.
So anyone in the Cleveland area interested?
Guerilla Drive-In Theater

Hah, been doing this in Vancouver for a few years! at least until my projector died and i moved to England… under the Cambie st. bridge in the rain, word!
What a great idea! Why haven’t I heard about this before?
I’m browsing eBay for a used projector as I write this comment!
Have a nice evening
just curious, isn’t this illegal? I though movies were for “personal viewing only”?
oh well. I like it. It is a great idea.
Cleveland here, I’d be interested in something like this. Shoot me an email!
Cleveland here too, sounds interesting. Feel free to e-mail me. ๐
They have been doing something like that in Saginaw, Michigan, for years now. It actually draws a huge crowd. All you need is a lawn chair, and the movie is free.
Yes! I just moved back to Cleveland and was hoping to find a Guerrilla drive in movement already in action. Unfortunately I can’t offer any hardware, but I’d be happy to take on marketing and promotional tasks.
haha โฆ the one who is posting the comments ๐
Very interested. Live in Euclid. Let me know.