January 14, 2008

Surface Mount Soldering Tutorial

If you are thinking of doing some surface mount like AnotherHackMember has just done. This Surface Mount Soldering Tutorial video at Curious Inventor is a must watch. Have a look at the other information that is available at this site to understand other areas of soldering and board repair. “video demonstrating Surface Mount Soldering with inexpensive equipment. Includes soldering of a 603 resistor, PLCC, 44 pin QFP, 208 pin fine-pitch

There are car guys and there are real car guys

Now I have bought cars based on gas mileage and kept the tires inflated correctly, the engine tuned, etc. but this guy has really taken it to the limit. Bajoos says it took 250 hours and $400.00. At $3.10+ per gallon in New Jersey really wouldn’t take long to see a payback. Read down towards the bottom and see what happens to the bugs and rain. It appears that ths

Macintosh 512k Upgraded to run OS X - 24th Anniversary Macintosh Project

Do you have an old Macintosh computer laying around? Why not blow off the dust and follow these simple steps to do an upgrade to OS X? You don’t even have to spend hundreds of hours creating the source code for the custom microcontrollers that interface the system together since it is available for free on the site. 🙂 “This is a Macintosh 512k which I upgraded to run OS