UV LED Controller using a PIC 16F628A Microcontroller


If you need an UV LED timer, or a timer for any other purpose you may be interested in the UV LED Controller that was constructed using a PIC 16F628A Microcontroller. There is a schematic and code available however the original project was not documented in English. Have a look at the Google translation that did a decent job of translating this one.

Here is what you need to build it.

"- The LC-Display
– 1×16 headers man and female — 1×16 headers male and female
– 4x drukknop
– 4x pushbutton
– 1x PIC16F628A met voetje, 18pins — 1x PIC16F628A with socket, 18pins
– 1x 10kO potmeter — 1x 10k O potentiometer
– 1x 100nF condensator — 1x 100nF capacitor
– 1x 220uF / 25V condensator — 1x 220uF / 25V capacitor
– 1x 7805 spanningsregulator — 1x 7805 voltage
– 1x BUZ11 — 1x BUZ11
– 1x Rode led — 1x Red LED
– 1x Connector — 1x Connector
– 5x SMD weerstanden — 5x SMD resistors "





  1. Excellent! I’ll use one of these on my portable exposure box for circuit boards!

  2. Thanks for the translation. Dutch is relative similar to german, but english is more understandable

  3. hello,
    good proyect

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