January 31, 2008

DIY - High End Flash Slave

Hello All, I have been battling this cold and flu stuff and loosing.   Here is a pretty cool article on how to build a high-end flash sync.  Most non-powered flash syncs only work up to around 100 feet and are only sensitive to infrared light.  The designer of  this unit is a cave explorer and has put together a pretty impressive design. The photo diode used in this unit

PIC Tengu - 18F2455 Microcontroller

  This PIC Tengu by jfmateos is based on the 18F2455 Microcontroller is based on the Tengu that was made by Crispin Jones. It looks like lots of fun, this is a very ambishious project but the results are great. Thanks to jfmateos for the great detailed English details are shown below.   "When I first saw the cloned Tengu developed by Alex, I thought it was a proper project