Interesting Verizon Math


Not really related here but I know how frustrating this can be. What is so obvious to some of us can fly right over the heads of people who are "there to help". At least us who are working with electronics find it easy to slide decimals around since we need to do this for most calculations. I love when the support person says that they have a difference in opinion. 🙂

Full audio version here.


  1. Is this the one where they think 0.2 = 0.002? That’s been floating around the tubes for ages.

  2. yeah half a dollar and half a cent is just a matter of opinion, I would have never fail calculus if I could tell the profesor that the answer is just a matter of opinion.

  3. you know i had the same problem with “sprint math”.I think i could have slept better thinking they were doing that on purpose as opposed to knowing that every person i was transferred to genuinely did not get it. It’s people like that that scare me in this world

  4. this is hilarious! are they really customer service employees?

  5. This is simply inexcusable. I used to be a manager in more than one bank call center. You’d think, scratch that, you expect that people who deal with monetary transactions should know how to figure this kind of remedial thing out. I can see how they were all confused, but after he explained it they should have gotten the idea. It’s sad but the final person he spoke to was already stuck in the loop, and wasn’t paying attention. She had already reviewed that other people had told him the same thing, and presumed him to be incorrect without even trying to understand. They should consider themselves thankful that I’m not a manager of their call center, or I would have held this as an open topic in their annual review.

  6. That’s friggen insane! I just tweeted it. 😀

  7. This is really great!! you made my day!!

  8. As I tried to point out on the PutFile site, but was stopped in my tracks by a totally SUCKY comments system, did anybody stop to think that Verizon are just fobbing him off into paying the bill? I bet they’ve done it a hundred (ten thousand to them) times before and confused your average member of the public into just paying it, effectively to just shut them the fk up.
    With companies like them, its all about just denying everything until the customer pays up, the customer ends up exhausted of options and of the will to live!
    Its simple to them – If before they didn’t have the customers money, and now they do, job done! If what happened in between doesn’t make any sense, what does it matter!?

  9. @Pouncer.
    If I were their manager, it wouldn’t mean an annual review. It would have meant one phone call to personnel prior to their immediate suspension of duty and pay. ALL of them, pending a full investigation into criminal negligence and basic aptitude for their very jobs.
    If it was a fob off or not, this is actually criminal behaviour – think about it, they are consciously feigning stupidity as an excuse to take 70 odd dollars from somebody instead of 70 odd cents and is probably happening to each and every one of their customers on that tariff. It affects the legal standing of the entire company.
    External investigative procedures should be put in place to determine whether they were acting on their own or as part of company policy, undoubtedly followed up with a massive cover-up by their managers.
    Is there such a thing as industry regulation in the US/Canada? I’m sure there is.

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