April 2008

MAME Cabinet - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator

  MAME cabinets can be lots of fun. Check out this one by Stuart, the creative use of some old computer joysticks allow him to interface the authentic buttons and joystick to the computer with ease. You can purchase new arcade housings that are made just for MAME systems but Stuart decided to dig into an older system and bring it back to life with some elbow grease. "I put

Webcam Microscope

  Here is an interesting hack that will allow you to make a microscope from an ordinary webcam. Take the lens out of the webcam and turn it around to allow it to focus very close. Have a look at the last picture, that is a close up view of a magazine. The dots you see are what make up the solid colors that you see when you look at

Programmable Tattoo

    The post about the Animated Tattoo yesterday was for April Fools as most people figured out however have a look at this Programmable Tattoo! If you are interested in a bit of a read have a look at the patent. "For under-the-skin implants, the thinner and more flexible the better. A "nano-skin" polymer film was recently shown by scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). This flexible polymer infused

Animated Tattoo uses Electronics under Skin

Looks like there is a new technology that may be showing up in the tattoo supplies of your local tattoo shop. This self contained system is the latest and greatest way to mark yourself. Unlike a normal tattoo this one can be changed over and over. The battery back is built in and will need to be replaced every 3 years by a simple surgical procedure. The display is reprogrammed

Hexapod draws with a Pen

  Matt Denton from Micromagic Systems has taken his cool Hexapod robot and allowed it to have some fun wih a pen! The results are very interesting. "Using B.F.Hexapod with an additional floating pen attachment, and a utility I wrote to convert DXF files into translation commands for my p.Brain controller, I have got the start of a walking CNC router! Why… I don’t know.. it just seemed like a