Sunspot Google Earth Flight Simulator Bike Ride


Using Sunspot, Mike has made a bike that can fly in Google Earth.

"Sun has been very successful in spreading Java to over 6 billion devices throughout the world. Well over a billion cell phones run Java. We in Sun Labs are interested in what comes next. In order to help make sure that the next generation of gadgets is based Sun technology, we developed Sun Small Programable Object Technology (SPOT). We’ve created an experimental platform to inspire developers to build the next great toy, sensor, communication device — who knows — using Sun technology. Our Sun SPOT devices make include a flexible hardware platform as well as the software and tools to make it easy to innovate, experiment, and prototype whatever a developer can imagine.

The Sun SPOT Device is a small, wireless, battery powered experimental platform. It is programmed almost entirely in Java to allow regular programmers to create projects that used to require specialized embedded system development skills. The hardware platform includes a range of built-in sensors as well as the ability to easily interface to external devices."



  1. That thing there so cool 😀

  2. wow … this is fantastic !!!! although at the age of 59 “still young” to enjoy riding bike for many years time will come to step down. i was hoping to tape my tours and then by using room-bike and a fan in my face :):) simulate old routes … but now expect to perhaps one day when indeed old find a complete set – a room-bike hooked to a computer with possibilities of virtual riding through Google-streets or perhaps enjoy pre-taped rides …. thank you for your work in this direction

    Rasa (Belgrade, Serbia)

  3. Low environmental impact, high interaction “travel” for all! I think this idea is amazing! So many posibilities.

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