Looking for an inexpensive home automation system that can be controlled remotely? Look no further than Twitter and iLink INSTEON.
"Using Twitter, a new social networking site, you can set up your laptop and connect it to your light switches (or any other electrical device) and control the device by sending text messages to your twitter account. It’s a fairly simple setup using this software which controls this hightech lightswitch"
Via: HacknMod
That’s what passes for a hack these days?
So every request goes through your Twitter account? Seems like a pretty roundabout way of doing things.
🙁 this make me sad
the easy normal and cheap (free if you already have router) way to do remote control thought network is using linsys router, it have 2 tll serial ports just solder 3 wires and talk to PIC (or anything you prefer)
hey it’s a very expensive switch 🙂
Thanks for the review of their service.
Given the latency introduced through SMS->Network Provider->Twitter->Parser->Lighting, you’d be frustrated in no time of real use… Neat for show though.