June 2008

Hexapod Robot CNC Router

  We have seen this robot grow over the months, the first feature was face tracking, then it was drawing, now the Hexapod Robot will do CNC Routing! Using the router head shown above this Hexapod robot by Matt Denton is even more flexible. Still not perfect but how many CNC machines can walk over to their work and get started? "The collet I have made currently takes 1/8" bits,

Wireless Accelerometer Mouse Pointer

  This project shows you how to build a Wireless Accelerometer Mouse Pointer. I think in time these types of input devices will be in everything allowing for added functionality. I can think of lots of great applications on cell phones for example, I would like to have a Google Maps up on my phone and simply tilt it in the direction I want to go. Looks like the site

Extertec SPYKSTER - Extreme Trike

The Extertec SPYKSTER is a very cool looking trike! The new steering concept that it uses looks very comfortable and simple to use. I wonder when we will be seeing more vehicles using that steering method. "The vehicle has proven itself to be extremely capable, traveling at speeds in excess of 230kph(140mph) with no sensitivity issues and possessing the turning circle of a small car. The ‘G’ forces the vehicle

Smart Card Hacking

  Chris Tarnovsky, the owner of Flylogic Engineering spoke to Wired about some of his Smart Card Hacking techniques. It involves lots of dangerous acids to burn off some of the protective layers so it isn’t a DIY project. He is able to probe a data bus on the chip and read or inject information! Below is an image from his blog that shows another chip that has been modified

Computer asks for Money

Here is a great use of some old computer hardware. We have seen hard drives playing music before but not after asking for money. 🙂 "The old PC plays music on using some old floppy and hard drive mechanisms, then opens its CD tray to beg for your spare change. If you don’t pay, he won’t play – it’s as simple as that." Link  Via