Hexapod Robot CNC Router


We have seen this robot grow over the months, the first feature was face tracking, then it was drawing, now the Hexapod Robot will do CNC Routing! Using the router head shown above this Hexapod robot by Matt Denton is even more flexible. Still not perfect but how many CNC machines can walk over to their work and get started?

"The collet I have made currently takes 1/8" bits, but I need to finish the 3mm version as most of my small router bits are 3mm shank. The motor is a 14 turn 380 brush-less motor, which gives about 3600 rpm/volt, so plenty fast enough! It will run from 6 to 10 cells, I think I will add a heat sink, as it tends to get a little warm even under no load. The MUX servo moves the spindle 40/50mm up and down the guide rails to the work surface. DXF files are loaded in to artcam where G-code tool paths are created."


  1. Wow. I must say, that is strange and intriguing. For some really strange reason, this thing reminds me of that dog from Alice in wonderland who’s head is a broom. You know, the one who sweeps away Alice’s path, causing her to get lost in the forest?

  2. Giant mechanical mosquitoes are taking over the world.

  3. Better be sure to add a kill switch incase it decides it doesn’t want to take orders and CNC cut you.

  4. Where can I buy the parts to make up the little rounter you made and
    also buy the Hexabot Robot.

    Thanks, Craig

  5. Hi Craig,

    The system is made by Matt Denton. Please click on the link in the article to contact him.

  6. Wow, this is absolutely brilliant. Why are you not patenting and selling these? I’d love to just lay out an 8×10 sheet and tell that robot to go cut out what i need. don’t need a whole room to store it in or set it up like a shopbot, and you can just put it back in the closet when you’re done with it. I’ll take 2 please

  7. If you do sell a kit, please let me know.

  8. Where can I buy the parts to make up the little rounter ??? Do you know a webshop?

  9. this may be the best resource i found so far online about DIY CNC. Step your game up!

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