August 8, 2008

Xr-B3 - Trossen Robotics Project

  Trossen Robotics just completed their latest project contest, the Xr-B3 didn’t win but it is a very cool creation! "He is powered by an AVR ATMEGA324P micro controller on a custom board that I made. He is using an XBEE module to communicate with my PC (and eventually with other robots). Onboard sensory includes: 2 Sharp IR sensors (for wall following and obstacle detection), an SRF-05 sonar sensor and

Write Letters and Draw Pictures using a Laser

  Setup your digital camera on a tripod, turn off the lights and get out your favorite laser pointer to make some brilliant pictures! It does take some practice to make a good image but when it works the results are great. Thanks to Laura from China for sharing. 🙂 "How to use a laser pointer to draw, to write and to record it? I think it is a very