Name the Thing Contest – 61

 The prize this week is a prank pen. It will shock all who attempt to use it. 🙂

This contest will run for one week (Sept 27 – Oct 2, 2008) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it. Please do not give the answer in the comments.


Send an email to contest @ with "Name the Thing Contest" as the subject, and the message body consisting of:

  • The name of the item in the above picture
  • An example of what the item pictured above can be used for

The winner will be chosen at random from all of the correct entries.


Added October 3, 2008 

The item to guess was a Merlin

The winner is James L.

Thanks to all who entered.


Below is a picture of the prize.


  1. yeah, star Trek Tricoder Devices!

  2. ahhhh i had one of these in the early 80,s 😉

  3. I had one, too. But, I never got to use it. Somebody else always had it.

  4. Ah! Blast from the past. My mum had one of these in the early eighties and I used it quite a bit although it confused me as to it’s real use… “Beam me up Scotty. There’s no intelligent life down here.”

  5. a pimped out Darth Vader voice changer!

  6. I know what it is….

  7. bugmeister, You are the clever one xD

  8. I still have mine. Will have to dig it out tonight to show my kids.

  9. Loved this one, had to keep it away from the siblings. Nowadays I would give it to my 5 year old and tell him its a cellphone.

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