September 2008

Webcam RangeFinder

  DIY Lab has put up some plans that will allow you to use your webcam as a rangefinder. I wonder if the technique used is similar to the golf green distance estimators? "Convert your webcam into a modern range estimation tool without any hardware. The math is very simple, so this new technique works very well for vision applications that need to run quickly. With a simple height estimation,

DIY Helicopter

  Building your own RC helicopter sounds like a daunting task but thanks to people like Ben Hui it can be as simple as following one step at a time. "Flying RC helicopter is really very exhilarating. Their versatility gives a RC pilot a complete access to the three-dimensional space in such a way that no other machines can! I have played RC helicopter for more than one year but

Giant SNES Controller

  If you have big hands this Giant SNES Controller may be just what you need. At its heart it is a standard SNES controller, the housing has been custom built from wood and looks fantastic. If you didn’t have anything to see the scale I am sure it would look just like the standard controller. Via: Make

Nuxie Shop Function Generator

  You may remember the Function Generator that Nuxie built last year. A new version has been created and is now available as a $40 kit. All you need to do is solder in the components and add a power supply. Function Generator Kit Page "This kit includes everything needed to build a function generator capable of producing sine, triangle and square waves from 25Hz to over 250kHz."