October 2008

Name the Thing Contest - 62

This contest will run for one week (Oct 4 – Oct 9, 2008) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it. Please do not give the answer in the comments.   Send an email to contest @ hackedgadgets.com with "Name the Thing Contest" as the subject, and the message body consisting

Comdyna GP-6 Analog Computer

  It’s amazing that this computer that I had never heard about was being sold until just recently (2004). You would sure feel like a computer programmer when you were working on one of these, pushing buttons, turning knobs, plugging patch cables from one port to the next… I don’t think many other systems could ever have a life as long as this unit had. "Each GP-6 is a self-contained

Motorola 68HC11 powered K'NEX Robot

  Gary Teachout has put together an interesting robot that uses a Motorola 68HC11 as a brain and K’NEX for the structure. It has some smarts built into it, this includes a fight or flight reaction! "ERC is a small computer, a few motors, some cardboard, and a bunch of K’NEX. For a long time it was a mobile robot, with differential drive, and I used it for many navigation

Computer with no Cooling Fans

  When I shut down my computers in my workroom there is an strange silence. It’s nice but feels strange since there is usually the whir of computer fans in the background. I have often though it would be nice to locate the computers remotely and simply have a monitor, keyboard and mouse in the room for each system. This passive cooling idea is interesting but you will never see