November 2008

GPS Data Logger using an SD Card

  If you are looking for GPS project ideas here is one that interfaces a serial GPS module to a PIC microcontroller and saves the data directly to a SD memory card. Schematics and code are available. "The data from the GPS is logged every second with the raw NMEA sentences being written to the SD card. The data written to the card is the GSA, GGA, RMC and GSV

Video Camera Rocket Mount

  If you ever wanted to mount a camera onto a model rocket this article makes for a good read. A custom mold was made to securely hold the camera in place. Project page. "So here is the awkward part. The camera must be TURNED ON when I install it in the rocket. It doesn’t need to be recording, that can be controlled with the poking stick. But it must

Name the Thing Contest - 69

The prize this week will steady you camera when you are taking pictures of your next project.  This contest will run for one week (Nov 29 – Dec 4, 2008) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above including make and model and give an example of what can be done with it. Please do not give the answer in the comments


  Details are slim on this very cool POV that uses a whopping 96 LEDs. The tiny LEDs are able to make a very nice image, it looks like the images may be stored in the banks of chips that can be seen on the board. Timing appears to be done using an LED, it might be a infrared LED since it would be visible to the video camera. There

Suzuk-E - Suzuki Electric Bike Hack

  I can’t wait to see some video of this electric bike conversion in action. has taken an old Suzuki dirt bike and hacked in a powerful electric motor. This isn’t a simple rip and bolt project that we have seen others perform, there was lots of machining and fabrication needed to get it to this stage. An open source motor controller was used which earns it a big

Breathing Xenon produces a Deep Voice

  Looks like there is another gas to play around with, we have seen that breathing helium and sulfur hexafluoride has some crazy vocal effects. But now we have an example of breathing xenon gas to change your voice! This was done by the guys over at the Benwl’s Channel who look to be having way too much fun.  🙂 "Xenon’s anesthetic effect is 1.5 times more potent than N2O.

Indestructible Binary Alarm Clock

  If my fire alarm bell alarm clock clashes with your industrial decor have a look at this Indestructible Binary Alarm Clock. This clock will force you to get up and walk out the door before it shuts off! "When I was laying awake again I started thinking about building the ultimate alarm clock. After some tinkering I decided that it should have these features: It should use an actual