Looks like there is another gas to play around with, we have seen that breathing helium and sulfur hexafluoride has some crazy vocal effects. But now we have an example of breathing xenon gas to change your voice! This was done by the guys over at the Benwl’s Channel who look to be having way too much fun. 🙂
"Xenon’s anesthetic effect is 1.5 times more potent than N2O. Please do not breath Xenon without proper medical supervision and supplemental oxygen.
The anesthetic effect of inert gas xenon (Xe) was discovered more than 50 years ago. The main causes limiting its clinical application are high price, low availability (in nature the gas is present in scarce amounts), and absence of preclinical trials sufficient for norm-setting documents and further solutions allowing clinical trials of Xe."
Huffing noble gases. In the name of science!
That sounds like a bad idea.
Better hope breathing Xenon also does not cause cancer, melt your lungs or lead to dietary restrictions.
One would hope that’s pretty cost-prohibitive. If it had the psychoactive effects of, say, crack? Might be more of a worry.