November 19, 2008

DIY Smoke Grenade

  ***WARNING*** if you attempt any project that uses explosive materials please exercise extreme caution. These videos show you how to make a smoke grenade (second video) and how to make a pull ring that will allow it to be ignited just like a grenade.  

10,000 Core Computer

  Is your desktop quad core computer a bit slow for your liking? If SGI develops this concept into an actual product you may be able to add some horsepower to your computing needs. "Engineers at Silicon Graphics research labs developed the system to show how consumer electronics technologies and emerging marketplace trends might someday be applied to overcome the limits of today’s high-throughput clusters. The Silicon Graphics Molecule concept

Open Stepper Project

  Carl Erickson from Phenostream has built a very small yet very smart stepper motor. Many of them can be controlled via a daisy chained serial connection which could make it simple to interface with complex projects. This car project is a cool example of the possibilities. "The OpenStepper Module (OSM) is comprised of a GSM_01 and the OpenStepper circuit board. OSM firmware is based on Mike Thompson’s popular OpenServo