November 23, 2008

ADXL202 Accelerometer Testing

  David from Volunteer Lab Rats is playing with his new ADXL202 Accelerometer. He documented the results so that we can be a few steps closer to getting it to work when we rig one up. "The board is supplied with +5v and ground. There are two output pins on the board. They each output the square shaped signal seen on the picture below. The duty cycle of the signal

MechRC Robot now available at Trossen Robotics

  MechRC is a cool new robot that is very technical but unlike other applications of technology where the product becomes more complex this device is simplified by it. Unlike most programming where you need to enter complex commands to be executed with this robot you simply show it what you would like! Our friends over at Trossen Robotics are the first in the United States to offer the robot,