This is a follow-up to the video last week where I showed the Camera and Camcorder Tripod Mount. Some readers sent in some emails asking how I liked the rig and what the results were like. There were lots of people who asked where I got it and where they could get one. This solution worked great for me since I could whip out a basic pattern for the shape and hole locations in 15 minutes and have it cut on the CNC machine in another 15 minutes. The issue with the design is that it is made specifically for my camera and camcorder combination. It would probably not work for many others.
At the show it worked quite well, I liked being able to kick out the legs and sit it down anywhere. It was also always ready to go at a moments notice. Having the remote mic was great since often a nice distance from the subject was too far to properly hear what they were saying. The issue with this is that I was not able to easily have a back and forth conversation since I was not on mic. I am thinking that the best solution for this in a noisy environment would be to have a single earbud for me and the person being interviewed and a lav mic on me. This way both of us can hear each other well and we are also able to talk and be heard properly.
Of course anything that is done by me would be totally low budget compared to what would be considered professional. At the show there were dozens of crews that consisted of a host, a few camera operators, a few guys with boom mics, an audio guy, lighting person and usually some other dude with a large backpack and lots of antennas (live broadcasting possibly?).