LUTEC Engine


Seems like there is tremendous amount of information over at LUTEC Australia PTY describing their technology but is any of it real? I have seen lots of claims over the years form companies like this but none of them have turned out to be feasible.

"In order to gain an understanding of the operation of a LEA (Lutec Electricity Amplifier) it must be understood that there are actually three separate and completely individual events occurring in the one machine. Each of the three is equally important because without one of them operating in a completely synchronistical manner with the others, the end result would not achieve the efficiency levels required. The LEA has been designed to maximize and exploit Events One Two and Three in a synchronous manner so as to produce a highly efficient means of generating electricity. It could be described as a tri-brid system. This harmonious triumvirate result has been accomplished by identifying and controlling the precise timing of input and output voltages; so to allow the separate Events to operate within the same space, using minimal shared components while retaining their original individual effects. Other applications for this technology could be water desalination, hydrogen production, highly efficient motors for plant, pumps, and machinery, or as a more efficient and cost effective drive for anything that turns spins or rotates."


  1. Sounds like BS to me. This would be perpetual motion. It violates the laws of physics. Sorry but anyone who invests in this has lost their money.

  2. looks like it defies some basic law of physics. it’s a hoax.

  3. Aha! Now I C.. they’re selling stocks (shares)..

  4. Hacked Gadgets frequently strays into stuff that is neither a gadget nor in any sense a hack. This is the first time I’ve seen HG shilling for con-artists though.

  5. sorry I don’t understand, why it is power by input voltage ? I have university degree in electronic engineery and don’t understand. that LUTEC have 440% OVERUNITY ;| and can’t power urself ?

  6. LOL Ianmkz, I am not a believer in their technology just very curious. 🙂 I am looking for someone smarter than I to describe how they could fool people with their technology. I am just so surprised that there would not be an obvious flaw in their concept that would prevent them from moving forward with their concept…

  7. There is an obvious flaw. Friction. Heat. Second law of Thermodynamics (or whichever one)

    Picture your kid on one of those carosels at the park

    They are basically saying (if I’m reading it correctly) that an initial pulse of current spins the motor. Once every cycle a new pulse fires to keep the motor spinning. This is equivalent to you standing next to the carosel and pushing it around without moving your feet.

    Attached to this motor they have a generator producing electricity. They seem to be trying to say that they are producing more electricity than they are putting in. So pretend this is your kid on the carosel having fun.

    So a quick push, and then let your kid have fun for a turn until he comes back around and then push again. Repeat ad nasuem until your kid falls off and throws up. Except you push and the rest of the cycle is spent with the carosel slowing down from friction and resistance to spinning. High tech bearings and vaccums can help, but you can’t eliminate that friction (ignoring the friction of the coils and magnets passing each other). So you provided an impulse of energy each cylce, and the rest of that cycle is spent losing a portion of that impulse.

    But now you might say, “Wait, if I put in more energy than the carosel loses, it will just keep spinning faster” and again, bearings and vaccuums and such can help you reach high speeds, but there is eventually going to be a limit where the device won’t spin any faster without more input energy(or without breaking).

    So lets say that they reach this max speed somehow. And from that point forward, every DC pulse only provides enough energy to make up for the energy lost and to keep it at this maximum RPM. At this point, how much electricty are they making with the generator? To work, they would need to be making more energy than it takes to keep the device spinning. So can they be doing that? According to Newton, no. According to them, yes. Without seeing their numbers and exact design it’s hard to say otherwise, but we can look at the other obviously glaring issue; Generators and motors are the exact same thing. The only difference is if you are taking electricity out or putting it in. Even in an ideal motor and generator with no loss, there isn’t a way that I can think of to get more energy out then is being put in to power it.

  8. honestly, it’s more likely that they just mislabeled the input and output wires on the multimeter.

  9. You would think that if someone invented a perpetuum mobile device it would get a little bit more noticed than this.
    Surely every newspaper in the world would write about it and I sincerely doubt that the company in question would have to look for investors.
    How much could it be worth to have this solution to world power needs?
    According to Wikipedia the world consumed 500 EJ (= 5 x 1020 J = 7e16 kWh) don’t know what the global average is but i pay about $0.1/kWh: if the global average is 10 times smaller this would make the invention mentioned about worth about… say $700,000,000,000,000. Thats only seven hundred thousand billion dollars!!
    I just think someone would have made a little bit more fuzz about this earlier!

  10. Oh, I forgot to mention that the value is for one year of world power production.

  11. total horsesh*t

    No one has EVER been able to independantly test their machine. Any request is denied and they bullsh*t people about some alterior motive by people trying to debunk them. Because of this, they have said “well, just wait until next year and buy one and test it”

    the webpage has been up since 2003 at the very least, and in 2006 was when they told people to just wait and buy one. 2-3 years later, still nothing to show.

    Take this crap off this website!

  12. We have a program in Australia called new inventors on a free to air government funded channel most of the inventions featured on this program get funding.

    If this was a serious and had plausable applications I would imagine that they would of not only heard of this show but tried to get the product featured. If it can do what it claims then I would have NO doubt that it would have been featured.

    I am almost tempted to report them. If only I knew who to report them to.

    Here is one of the patents.

  13. come one guys, i use a feed reader so i can AVOID bullshit like this.

  14. Burnsy, that frees up lots of time for you to laugh at it

  15. It is better to throw your money for steam or sirling engine on wheels and go with it for some wood and water for it. It is still free energy, and it is real!

  16. I’m so glad no one here is buying this BS. More than unity gain machines are impossible yet it’s surprising how many of them manage to find funding. It’s amazing! It’s like nobody has ever taken a physics or thermodynamics course!

  17. There’s one born every minute…

  18. There was somehting like this going in the US for a while. I think the website was called freeelectricy.something… Anyway, used somethiing called an adams motor. you can google it for more info. Their idea was give you one free for powering your house and then sell the “extra” electricity back to the power company. Every year they’d delay their research and promise it was coming the following year.

  19. The more of this garbage I see on this site the less inclined I am to visit. Spare us the BS, we are not stupid.

  20. Yes this idea is feasible {MAGNETIC MOTORS} it can work as rare earth magnets are a very powerful power in themselves I built a magnetic motor but ceased production to carry on with manufacturing hydrogen cells which we now sell. {which worked} and there is minimal friction caused so no you won’t fall off the merry go round. As for the LEA well we are not happy with this either as we want to travel australia sooooo I rang to enquire as to if we could buy one of these fantastic motors as the letter said written by them they state that it is for caravans,homes and the like well we wanted it for the caravan I was informed no they weren’t for sale to us little guys they were the power people. Our proposal was to buy one travel and promote these motors as they asked for representatives to sell the LEA’S. Now these guys have gone and spoilt it for us who are really working on the alternative power principal well we got the hydrogen up and running so 1 out of 2 ain’t bad…I may be a female but had to have my say guys can’t let you have it all your own way…

  21. Come on fellas there is such a thing as perpetual motion you can see it every day..

  22. Unfortunately, Jude n Ron, even the “perpetual” motion of the earth, which I assume you’re referring to, is damped by friction and will eventually reach a halt (though the sun will burn out first). It also does no work to generate energy, so is not useful “perpetual motion” in the traditional sense.

  23. More string and glue, a few magnets and wires and Mr. Newton (law of conservation of energy), get shown to be incorrect…

    By the way I bought a BetaMax Video Player and believe pigs can fly.

    What a con…

  24. well guys i may be a female but the law of perpetual motion does exist but lutec has screwed it for everyone. besides them there are a lot of w—–s out there.

  25. it is not a perpetual motion machine. They are taking the energy out of the magnets by means of attraction and repulsion. Like nuclear fusion but instead of depleated uranium you gen depleted neodymium magnets.

  26. Don’t bag what you don’t understand. They just stuffed up the wording in the description.

  27. By the way no-one has managed to get any real result from nuclear “fusion”, but you obviosly mean nuclear “Fision” in a slow reactor, the result is indeed depleted uranium. However I do think these Lutec guys are on to something! Newton’s law does maintain that “Energy is always conserved” and this cannot be changed anywhere in the universe.
    The Lutec people are not changing the laws of physics. The “apparent gain” is acheived (in my belief) by the input from the constant repulsion and attraction of the rare earth magnets they are using. Magnetisum (in its natural state) has never been completely explained. But it has some strange properties, whereby they appear to have “inherant energy” in a pure form. It is also true that the magnets will be depleted in a sub nuclear way. The initial input of DC pulses at 0.2 of a revolution repels the magnets and creates the initial motion. The next effect is simply the rising and falling magnetic field (histerisis). This when held in unison would create a sinusoidal output (AC voltage) of higher voltage than the input (the same as a Ketering motor ignition). Power in Watts (Voltage x Current) would mean that there must be an increase in the accompanying curent to produce a gain. I believe that the Magnets would provide that current in an Inductive process imparted in the coils in the device. In my opinion the “Gain” is produced, in simple terms by the rare earth magnets. The claims made by Lutec may seem a bit exagerated but there could well be something in this!

  28. We Wish fo truth!!!

    If Newton was incorrect, after all his laws are about 800 years old so could they be out of date?

    I think not;

    Things still travel in straght lines. Total output cannot overcome total input….

  29. I am not suggesting that Newton was incorrect! What I am saying is, the (apparent gain)in the system is produced by the energy provided by the “RARE EARTH MAGNETS” introduced into the system. There IS energy in magnets and this has not been fully explained or mathematicaly calculated (for naturally occuring magnets)I am not refering to electro-magnets(see the works of Tesla and Henry for example).

  30. By the way Newton developed his theory circa 1662, 347 years ago not 800.

  31. Lutec send me a report on the validation of the Lutec LEA device by the Danish Technology University on the 7th of August 2008. This report contains many serious errors in both math and measurement methods. For instance the report claims a 1 Ohm resistor carrying an average current of 3.07 Ampere dissipates about 56 Watts. Ohm’s law says that a 1 Ohm resistor carrying 3.07 Ampere dissipates 9.4 Watts (Power= Current^2 * Resistance).

    The basic error in all their measurements is that they use equipment intended to measure DC currents and voltages on pulsed currents en voltages. Equipment for DC measurements are simply unsuitable for these type of measurements and show anything but the correct value.

    Anyway if I put all the numbers mentiod in the report they send me in the correct place I get an efficiency of 73%. This is way less than the 200% efficiency they claim in the report they send me. Based on the report it is safe to say the Lutec device is just another hoax.

  32. Another comment on magnets and energy: magnets must be considered a catalyst like being used in chemical processes or like the catalytic converters used in cars to clean the exhaust gasses.

    Magnets can help to transfer electrical energy into motion and vice versa but like a catalyst they do not get consumed in the process. You cannot get energy from a magnet. Once something is pulled towards a magnet, the same amount of energy is required to pull it away from the magnet so the net result is 0 (worse: less than 0 when friction and conversion losses are included).

  33. Hi all,
    so far good discussion on lutec. I would like to know that when their invention is available in the market.


  34. “Good question so would we all like to know?” its just a shame some people are money hungry and cant see past the mighty dollar that people could use this technology people out west on stations having to run generators and lutec sitting on this invention if indeed it does exist it would be criminal and yes we have rare earth magnets here and a magnetic motor we are working on it works but needs to be balanced and a lot of work but yes it does work you must just use the repelling side or the attraction side if you use both it will neatrulise itself

  35. @ Jude N Ron: ‘Rare earth’ sounds like ‘fool’s gold’ to me. Just another empty buzz-word. If your machine works, you should be able to make a proof of concept using magnets from a refrigerator door. I’m interested in the math behind your machine. Sure you did some math on the expected efficiency so you can validate your own results? Electromagnetism has very little secrets.

  36. Well get 2 earth magnets and try and put them together and let your finger slip in between and you will end up with a dam sore finger if not broken try it cause I sure as hell won’t

  37. A brick dropped from a certain height will do the same. Or a hammer. Dozens of ways to end up with a sore finger. I’m just saying that frauds are using the term ‘rare earth’ as a marketing buzz-word to hype their idea. Its included because ‘rare earth’ sounds mystical. It doesn’t say anything about the actual properties of the magnets being used.

  38. Andy: “What I am saying is, the (apparent gain)in the system is produced by the energy provided by the “RARE EARTH MAGNETS” introduced into the system.”

    Dude, they’re magnets. A magnet is a magnet is a magnet. They do what magnets do, and that doesn’t include providing energy. Don’t be fooled by quack buzz-words.

  39. Yanno folks?
    Some people are saying the world is dying, oxygen depletion, toxics building up, pollution everywhere. We have less than a few decades before we’re toast.
    A solution is required, one that would help.
    Then some people spend years….decades…of their precious life-allotement of time searching for an answer.
    Do you really think something so potentially wonderful as this is being created just to fool you? Try to imagine how much it would cost to hire a lawyer in a foreign country and then translate 30 to 40 pages of highly technical paper work to become a patent application. Would you do that a hundred times (many countries)just to fool someone?
    It’s so much easier to just fall back on the easier scams, rip off ID’s and sell their mortgages, sell fake lotteries, hire jerks to steal cars, become a politician…
    They say they want to save the world for their kids and you all think you’re so important that they want to fool you?
    Any one got a better plan?
    (Listening to the sound of crickets….)

  40. Way to necro, George.
    Evidently the money they’re making from ‘investors’ was enough to pay for multiple patents. It’s not hard to believe. They also have 22 patents applied for or granted, not ‘hundreds’.

    You’re right that humans are currently destroying the environment that we rely on to sustain us. Solutions to this exist already, but no one is interested in them, because they’re actual solutions which require actual work. (e.g. restructuring cities to reduce reliance on fossil-fuel driven transport, shifting food production into local areas rather than huge unsustainable monocrops that need to be transported thousands of kilometres to the point of consumption, curbing needless consumption, etc.)

    When people pretend that one day some magic machine or scientific discovery is going to come along and solve all the problems, they’re not searching for an answer, they’re perpetuating ignorance of the gravity of our situation, and taking focus off the necessity of implementing realistic, currently existing solutions.

    LUTEC lie to people to get money. You spread ignorance on the internet. (And potentially/probably work for LUTEC.) Neither of you are even as good as NEUTRAL in this equation, let alone forces for good, so don’t start acting high and mighty to us.

  41. Actually, I could be coming at this from the wrong direction…

    I do have a better plan, I’ve invented a totally workable infinite power supply that uses an arduino and runs linux. Instead of a pitiful 440% efficiency, it gets 450%!

    Presently I just need capital to help fund a prototype. If you know anyone who would be interested in making a $150 000 donation, please forward me their names, addresses, and phone numbers.

  42. we were 1 of the first to offer to buy a lutec motor and b a rep for them but they refused to sell us 1 saying they want to sell to the powerstations to bank them up and yet thier web page says they are good for homes caravans and people who traveled we were the perfect reps to travel aussie and we know station owners who could benifit from this technology but still they refuse /???WHY IF THIS IS ALL ABOVE BOARD we do believe in perpetual motion we have a magnetic motor here these paragraphs below are from thier site so i am quoting them…. [Applications abound world wide for rural, remote, fishing, boating, caravan, camping, leisure, emergency services, ] this is just 1 sentence from thier site [That means we hope you can give a small part of your time toward simply informing your network of contacts, your friends, family, media, politics, and business, wherever you are on earth, to help spread the word about the potential of this technology.

    Send them this site address. Insist they reply to you confirming they have seen it.

    We will back you one hundred percent and demonstrate what out technology can do to anyone who you send our way, who can show us they are willing and able to help in other ways of support such as; Purchasing licenses to commercialize the technology, or providing finance through involving themselves in investment opportunities. Or by exerting influence, or maybe they are interested in manufacture, distribution and sales of product. Such people will either be high net worth corporations or individuals. The man in the street, someone who wants to help in this way can do so, but will need to make direct enquiries by email to find out how. ] ….
    Now where is this wonder so we can all benifit i spoke to john my partner spoke to both we have followed this now since 7-8 years

  43. George,
    The people from Lutec believe their machine is working. They simply lack the knowledge to see their machine is in fact not working (I have proof of that on paper!). However selling a machine that doesn’t work is still theft.

    There are many ‘inventors’ that think they are on to something. But in the end it turns out they overlooked something or applied the wrong math. There is nothing wrong with that as long as the inventor is willing to see his/her mistake.

    When designing anything it is important to verify the design, math and actual measurements using multiple methods. All methods should provide (roughly) the same answer.

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