January 2009

DIY LED Array Display - using ATmega168 microcontroller

  NerdKits has put together a video that describes how a LED row/column matrix is wired. This comes in handy when you have limited pins and need to control lots of items. Another popular method is to use a serial to parallel latch.   "This project makes use of row-column addressing, which lets us control lots of LEDs without having one wire going to each one. We also use one

Suzuk-E - Suzuki Electric Bike Motor Rebuild

The next phase of the Suzuk-E has been completed , it is focused on the Suzuki Electric Bike Motor Rebuild. The result is a three fold increase in power! “The objective for the purposes of the Suzuk-E project is to lower the no-load RPM of the motor and increase it’s torque. This typically would be accomplished by winding more turns of lighter wire into the same physical space available. In

Exploding Potassium

  I haven’t done much playing with different elements of the periodic table but Potassium seems like fun. Why were there no learning environments like the Periodic Table of Videos when I was growing up? This interweb thing is making learning to easy. 🙂  

Obama Presidential Limo - made by Cadillac

  The US President Obama has one sweet ride that is guaranteed to let him safely ride in style. There are still lots of details that have not been released but from what we know and can see it is one amazing vehicle. This Cadillac is made by GM but it is not based on the Cadillac, it is actually based on the huge Topkick truck! The 8 inch doors

Monitor Household AC Power usage using Clamp Meters

  This Household AC Power Monitor idea is similar to what I have wanted to do for years. Jason Winters has taken two clamp meters and connected them to both phases of his house electrical panel. This allows him to monitor the entire electrical usage of his house. He is collecting data and creating a spreadsheet to monitor usage over time. What I was thinking of doing was to install

Jumpstart your Car using some A123 Batteries

  Stephane Melancon (DoctorBass) sent in a very compact battery pack that he uses to jumpstart his car. There are lots of systems that can be purchased that can produce the same results however none of them can fit into your jacket pocket! "In this video i finally decided to show you how IMPRESSIVE are these A123 cells. During the test, when the starter ran for about 2-3sec, the current