If you like watching TV but hate paying the monthly cable bill (add me to that list) have a look at Boxee. It can be loaded onto any computer however the Apple TV is an ideal platform for its magic. Boxee allows you to access all of your media that you have on your local network but includes movie reviews, song lyrics and much more to enhance the experience. You can also have it setup so that you can see what your friends are watching, I am not sure if this is a good feature but if you are on Facebook many hours a day this will probably be a welcome feature.
"Boxee is the developer of the first “social” media center. boxee plays media from your computer and other devices in your home network, as well as connect you to various Internet sources that allow you to stream or download movies, tv shows, music and photos."
Via: Apple TV Hacks
I’m not going to try anything that I have to sign up for to use.