February 14, 2009

Vision Object Detection and Ranging

  If you are building a system that needs to dynamically make decisions about items around it have a look at this Vision Object Detection and Ranging project. I think making this would be an excellent start to building your own Sentry gun! "This particular setup consists of 2 X 3Com Homeconnect Webcams I bought off of Ebay about 4 years ago. They are fairly good cameras for the price

Name the Thing Contest - 75

Thanks to FixTunes for providing the prize this week. FixTunes is an easy and powerful program that will fix any missing or misspelled song details, add album artwork, remove duplicates songs and organize your music.  This contest will run for one week (Feb 14 – 19, 2009) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can