February 2009

Wooden Clock based on atmega168

  Clocks are great, it is a nice way of making an electronic project that has natural changes in state. I have seen some wooden clocks before but this Wooden Clock project is a nice DIY version with full instructions so that you can make your own. 🙂 "The anodes of the LEDs are attached to a cluster of 3 transistors. This is so the 1st transistor has the power

Reverse Engineering the Message Mate Spinning Display

  It’s interesting to see what makes electronic items tick. You have probably seen one of these Message Mate spinning displays before. It is a simple fan that operates using a small DC motor that is spun using three AA batteries. What makes it interesting is it also has a programmable LED display! Michael from Extreme NXT Reverse Engineered the Message Mate Spinning Display and is now sharing it with

iPhone using ioBridge to Monitor and Control Fish Tank

  It seems that this ioBridge module is getting quite popular. I haven’t played with one yet but I have already seen a cool iPod Touch controlled shooting range built with it, a toaster that is connected to Twitter, machine to feed your dog a treat through the internet and many more items every month. The video above is a by Pete from WaveJam Technologies, he has used an ioBridge