March 13, 2009

SixthSense - Wearable Gestural Interface

  Is the SixthSense the future of wearable computer interfaces? Everyone today has a pocket full of technology but the interaction with these devices can be clunky. This interface would allow you to interact with your camera, phone, computer amongst other items with ease. "SixthSense is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with

Xbee 900 rf - Transmit Data 15 Miles

  Wow, this tiny Xbee 900 rf module is supposed to have a range of 15 miles. We all know that these specs are always best case scenarios that are not attainable in the real world but it probably means that we could get 9 or 10 miles out of it. I can just imagine the projects that could be possible with this type of range! "The XBee-PRO XSC OEM