If you are into movies and audio then a home theater has probably crossed your mind. Jamis has documented his fantastic home theater build for all of us to enjoy. I must say the planning is fantastic and even though he didn’t do all of the work himself he coordinated the installation very well. Have a look at the video, the end result is great. Continue reading below for a small number of progress pictures, to see the full journey have a look at the full log at AVSForum. As you will see, some of the sketched items have changed over the year and a half build process.
"Final Equipment List:
- Panasonic PT-AE3000 Projector
- 129" wide SmX ProLine Screen – 2.37:1
- Denon 3808ci Receiver
- Playstation 3 (bluray + media + games)
- Monitor Audio RS6 left and right front speakers
- Monitor Audio RSLCR center channel speaker
- Monitor Audio RSFX surround speakers
- Monitor Audio RSFX rear speakers
- SVS PC-13 Ultra Subwoofer
- 300 watt BASH subwoofer amplifier
- 6 Aura Pro Bass Shakers
- Berkline 13175 seating
- Nintendo Wii
- Comcast HD DVR
- Dell Inspiron Laptop
- Thecus N5200 NAS (1.5TB RAID5 network attached storage)
- Harmony 680 universal remote
- X10 Powermid IR repeater"
awe inspiring
Fantastic job
Thanks for the write up!
Just to let you know, I updated some of the original details quoted in this post (they were from when I was still in the planning stages and out of date) in my AVSForum build thread.
Be sure to check out the other fantastic dedicated home theater builds on the AVSForum as well!
Thanks Jamis,
I have updated the list in the article to reflect the changes.
smash bros.
This job needs to be finished off with some acoustic pannels. I can tell there is a crazy echo in that room from the bare walls. Clap your hands in a movie theater….no echo…movie theaters are acousicly dead. thats what you need for great sound!
Looks great! Nice job!
While the room does need more acoustic treatment, there are panels made of fabric wrapped OC 703 at the first reflection points on the side walls. As is, there is little to no echo. The sound quality is good enough that I’m not rushing out to build bass traps or line the front wall with linacoustic immediately… though I will eventually. 🙂