March 17, 2009

Harley Davidson Theme Garage Bar

  When you have a quick glance at this picture you would think that this is a theme bar. You would be right except that this is a private theme bar that was built in someones garage! This custom bar includes a Humidor, Beer Fridge, 46” LCD TV, and a Gaming System. Looks like you may have to take your shoes off before you enter this garage. 🙂 Via: The

Time to Hack LED Binary Clock

  Justin (Potatono) has made a cool looking Binary LED clock called Time to Hack. You can find information about the clock at Thingiverse and NYCResistor. "Use three pieces of acrylic, each with similar holes cut in them. The top piece only has four holes for the mounting screws that hold the whole thing together and the "Time To Hack" etch. Under that is the clear piece with holes for