April 2009

2400 Volt Soda Can Crusher

  Every time I see a microwave beside the curb I think of all the things that could be made with the MOT (microwave oven transformer). Bob Davis just finished some of his 2400 Volt Soda Can Crusher experiments that uses a MOT, some large caps and a handful of other electronics. The crushing results are a bit more dramatic in one of his last can crushing experiment which used

Microcontroller Real Time Clock using system Crystal Oscillator

  NerdKits demonstrates how make a Microcontroller Real Time Clock using system Crystal Oscillator by using system interrupts. "This project demonstrates a minimal piece of code that shows how to use interrupts, as well as the ATmega168’s onboard Timer/Counter modules, to divide the 14745600 clock cycles per second down to just 100, and to keep time accurately in seconds."

CD-ROM Read Head Actuator Head Scratcher

  No this isn’t a CD-ROM drive that has been modified to scratch my head but rather a mechanical assembly in a CD-ROM drive that has me scratching my head wondering how it functions. A few weeks ago I ripped apart an old CD-ROM drive to get a DC motor for the VHS Tape Storage Drive, the circuit board was also cut up while testing the CNC machine that was

Design Solar-Powered Computing Device

  Solar power is getting more and more popular, looks like they are even showing up in sunglasses! One of our sponsors is offering a free white paper that covers new breakthroughs in Designing Solar-Powered Computing Device. Hacked Gadgets also receives a small amount for each person who signs up so it would also be a simple way of making a small contribution to Hacked Gadgets. There are also lots

Tesla Wireless Power Transmition Example

  You may remember the interview we did with Roger  Smith a few years ago. This time Roger is demonstrating how power can be transmitted about 10 feet through thin air using tuned coils. Of course this would not be practical for normal power transmission since even during this demonstration Roger takes a poke from the resonator coil. 🙂 It would be interesting to see one of these scaled up

League of Electronic Musical Urban Robots - Guitar Bot

  This Guitar Bot has a real interesting sound. What would be cool is an iPhone app that would allow rea time interaction with the musical device. "GuitarBot is an electrified slide guitar that is versatile, responsive and easy to control, with high-quality sound. Now in it’s third iteration, the instrument consists of four independent single-stringed slide guitar units controlled by a motorized belt that moves a sliding bridge. The