April 9, 2009

iPhone DIY Macro Lens

Colin Devroe made a cool Macro Lens for his iPhone from an old camera lens. All us geeks have tons of broken gadgets that may come in handy some day. This hack shows us that broken gadgets can be useful after all. “A few years ago one of my digital cameras just decided it didn’t want to work anymore. It wouldn’t turn on. Actually, to be more accurate, the thing

BrewTroller - Brewing Control System

  About 5 years ago I bought all the equipment to make some home-brew beer, I purchased a few different flavors of beer kits and went to work. Only one batch was drinkable, but it wasn’t that good and eventually found its way into the sink. After further reading it seemed that temperature control of the brew stages is key to achieving a good result. BrewTroller is an open source