April 30, 2009

2400 Volt Soda Can Crusher

  Every time I see a microwave beside the curb I think of all the things that could be made with the MOT (microwave oven transformer). Bob Davis just finished some of his 2400 Volt Soda Can Crusher experiments that uses a MOT, some large caps and a handful of other electronics. The crushing results are a bit more dramatic in one of his last can crushing experiment which used

Microcontroller Real Time Clock using system Crystal Oscillator

  NerdKits demonstrates how make a Microcontroller Real Time Clock using system Crystal Oscillator by using system interrupts. "This project demonstrates a minimal piece of code that shows how to use interrupts, as well as the ATmega168’s onboard Timer/Counter modules, to divide the 14745600 clock cycles per second down to just 100, and to keep time accurately in seconds."