This Pedal Powered Air Gun must be tons of fun, no more pedaling the stationary bike in front of the TV. Get on this bike, burn some calories and shoot some targets! Check out the nice re-use of a spent shotgun shell as the projectile for this gun. Bill we need to see a video of this thing in action. 🙂
"The device is made from an exercise bicycle a neighbor up the street was throwing away, the compressor head from a small garage air compressor, and enough PVC to make something almost like a spud gun. The rear is connected to a 1 inch electric lawn sprinkler valve. The projectiles are made from 12 ga shot shell hulls, with the primer knocked out, and the hole threaded for a 1-1/4” ¼-20 screw. Drive the screw in from the front and add a nut on the outside, grind the bolt to a point, and you’re there."
My wife would kill me if I built that. Although it would be cool to put paint filled water balloons into the canon…. My nephew would have a ball (or balloon) Hehe!
You know I asked for one of those little video cameras that makes you tube suitable clips for fathers day, but didn’t get it. The only video I have is one I made for Popular Mechanics 2 years ago, which they wanted in a hurry, and it was the middle of winter and knee-deep in snow. Maybe eventually.
I would be interested in seeing it. 🙂