Name the Thing Contest – 88

Thanks to Nerd Kits for sponsoring the contest this week. They will be providing one of their $79.99 USB Nerd Kits to the winner. This contest will run for one week (May 23- 28, 2009) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it.

Please do not give the answer in the comments. 

Send an email to contest @ with "Name the Thing Contest" as the subject, and the message body consisting of:

  • The name of the item in the above picture
  • An example of what the item pictured above can be used for

The winner will be chosen at random from all of the correct entries.


Added June 1, 2009

The item to guess was an Flexowriter Machine

The winner is Jim T. (There were 106 entries)


Below is a picture of the the prize product.


  1. If that’s what it looks like…. cooooool

  2. How precise do you have to be?
    Do you have to give like the specific model?


  3. Hi Yon,

    You don’t need to provide the exact model but you will need to give the name of the machine and what was done with it.

  4. Hi Yon,

    Just the generic name of the device will do. If you know who makes it that is better but not needed.

  5. IT’s A Typey Thing!

  6. I would never have the strength to cart around that vintage portable computer 😉

  7. Hi Raphael,

    Please send in your guess via email (not in the comments).

  8. Hi,
    QQ, do you have to give an example of what it was actually used for or can you give an example of another use for it? Like for example “comb your hair with it”

  9. The example must be what it would have been used for or an example of something that you could do with it but not something generic like a door stop.

  10. Noes!
    I thought it was 23-29 🙁
    I couldn’t get a connection last night and was relieved that I was able to send in my guess today but now I see it’s 23-28

  11. That’s too bad Yon. Good thing there is a contest every week. 🙂

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