June 1, 2009

DIY WiFi Radio

  Jeff Keyzer from mightyOhm has completed his DIY WiFi Radio build. The finish is fantastic but look closer, the case was built from scratch. Best of all it is based on a hacked router. "I removed the USB and DC power jacks from the WL-520gU PCB.  I’m planning to use the USB port solely to talk to my SYBA USB-Audio adapter, so I removed the USB connector from the

Autotank - Autonomous Tank using Infrared, Ultrasonic and a Webcam.

  What do you get when you take a tank and stick a ton of sensors on it? You get a cool Georgia Tech Senior Design Project called AutoTank. Can’t wait to see what other projects Nate Klein, An Duong, Chris Gurley and Wink Barnes come up with. Via: Embedded Projects "Fully autonomous vehicles will soon be at the front lines, both on the battle field and search-and-rescue missions. These

Inside a Mechanical Singing Bird Box

  This Mechanical Singing Bird Box is a work of art. The mechanism is very intricate and the bird motions are in perfect time with the song that it sings. Via: The Automata / Automaton Blog via 100-blogs-to-inspire-the-creative-genius-inside-you