Dangerous High Voltage Job – Live Transmission Line Maintenance


I don’t mind working with the voltages you find in a typical house but I always feel a bit less secure when working with higher voltages that have little current limiting. I think that it would take me a long time to feel comfortable to ride a helicopter over to a live transmission line, hop on and start working.


  1. That is one cool dude!

  2. This has been up on youtube for ages ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3q9WdjD5wc )

    But still a fav. video thou πŸ™‚

    Seems so nuts when he connects to the wire and climps over on it πŸ˜› … But is still very educating πŸ™‚
    Still those arches you see he makes when connecting would make me jump for sure … but he is so used to it πŸ˜›
    I could never do a job like that.

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