Water Game – Tic Tac Toe

Tic tac toe is a classic game that everyone knows. As you get older it looses its appeal since the result will always be a tie unless someone makes an obvious mistake. This water based version of the game could make it fun again just because of the neat visuals. Meiravor demonstrates how the game works in the first video, the second video shows how the circuit functions.


  1. The guy with the green LEDs in the first video obviously doesn’t want to win the game…noobs!

  2. Very nice! Are there some infos about the circuit available?

  3. Thanks for the info Flaske,

    I am sure we are about to see some real cool touch based systems in the near future! I can’t wait. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I have it, just read the datasheet of the QT1xxx..

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