1. Now THIS is a good use of technology! 🙂

  2. No freaking way.. I want, I want, I want!

    Looks like she may be programmed to just do one simple task at once. Hence the pauses in between motions?

  3. Wonderful 🙂 I wonder how long we’ll have to wait to get one that’ll do it all on its own?

  4. WOW, is doing it so naturaly I so F**** impressed!!!

  5. That is super cool! I hardly ever say this, but I have to get one of those!

  6. Wow that is SO sweet!!! It does look like it is hard programmed to do each task on it’s own, but none the less! I WANT ONE!!!

  7. That’s impressive. It’s got personality. I could see myself befriending this robot.

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