Maxi Huber sent in this HD projector build that he documented in a Youtube video. He purchased the kit from a German company. Looks like a cool project.
"The benefits from this projector are: The price is very cheap (499€) for an HD projector with DVI, HDMI (Playstation3 is working via HDMI!), S-VHS and many other conectors! The fans are very silent and the lamp costs just 20€ so the projector can run 24/7 without ever getting poor! 🙂 I had a lot of fun assembling this product and painting it according to the colour of my home cinema! 🙂 And the result is just amazing: it has a great, great HD picture and the assembling is really easy and can be done by everybody! Even if the manual at the website is not english, it is not a problem to understand it because it consists mainly out of pictures…!"
To bad the video dosen`t show what pic. it is able to “reproduce” … but there will always be some tweaking to get the picture perfect.
It’s not really that cheap. Benq sells projectors for almost half that amount.
I have made one. I have to say that I spent just over $500, and spent a bit over 6 months to get it all dialed in and right where I wanted it. That said, I was able to get it to working shape and able to watch a movie on it in right at 2 months of night time builds.
Here is a link to my build if anyone wants to check it out. Check out the last maybe 4 pages to see some video I shot of it and pics of it in my theater and outside at a friends house. Any of you guys would love the process of building one of these. Yeah you can just buy on, but building it is a blast.
And just FYI, I have nothing to do with Lumenlabs, in fact their store is sold out of darn near everything so if you do decide to build one just surf around and there are MANY sites to get the lenses and all.
I wonder how many fires this thing will start if built? Crappy wiring, Is that foam poster board? Jeez…
Now, I build mine with painted MDF which if darn near fire-proof, and various bots of steel near the lamp. Really there are VERY safe if the right materials are used. Most of us try to use silicone wire that is UV treated because the bulbs give off so much UV that regular wire will not hold up. The insulation will just crack and fall off from all the UV.
Now granted all that said, if you get something really wrong with these you will know in about a nano second. ROFL!!!
Very nice. My only suggestion for that build is to apply/glue a layer of aluminum foil to the walls of the lamp enclosure. It will keep the inside of the box from heating up as much, since that box was painted black “everywhere”.
I have a Benq 6100 with a dead ballast and a pb8240 with a dead color wheel. Of course Benq will not sell the replacement parts and its not worth it to repair them. So now I may try to salvage the parts to build a new one. We will see.