July 9, 2009

RC Plane that fires Air to Ground Rockets

Pasqualy sent in this cool video of his modified RC plane that has been outfitted with rocket launchers and a camera. This is one way to get some unwanted neighbors to move in a hurry. 🙂 "I did some air to ground rocket launching with remote video from the airplane. I also let the kids on the ground do their best to shoot me down using air bust fireworks. Made

Wiimote Controlled 15 Ton Robot Arms

  It looks like the Engineers over at Transmin are having some fun with their robots and a Wiimote! It looks like so much to have that much power being controlled by a single Wiimote. I think this officially tops the Wiimote Sword Robot. Via: Hackaday and Make

EeePC901 LED E-mail Twitter and Pidgin Notifier Hack

  Here is a cool way to increase the functionality of your EeePC. Have a look at this hack that adds E-mail Twitter and Pidgin Notification using a RGB LED. Via: HG Forum "This is an interesting little modification that i have completed on my EeePC901. Based on an Atmel aTiny45 processor it’s function is relatively simple, but as it is built from scratch, the build took some interesting twists