This Oscilloscope Display project uses no external components! All you need is the microcontroller and a power source. Source code is provided so you can build your own.
Via: Electronics Lab
"After programming the micro via the ICSP connector, place a jumper between the pins VDD and VPP (reset input tied to Vdd). The oscilloscope will be set for 2mS/div on X axis and 1V/div on Y axis. One full screen contains 10 characters."
This is pretty cool, but I wish the video wasn’t so blurry.
Apparently he uses the voltage reference module as a DAC. Pretty interesting. Changing the message will require to hack the .hex though since he isn’t publishing the source code.
I’ve loaded the HEX file and it looks like it is the CODE segment only. You have to set the DATA and the CONFIG by hand.