Electronic Candle


This is a great electronic candle that allows you to light it with a match and then extinguish it by pressing it between your fingers. There is additional information in the Elektronika dla Wszystkich magazine which I unfortunately don’t have. I am thinking that the system is using the LED as a light sensor and detecting the bright flame from the match and the darkness that is produced when it is squeezed between the fingers but am not exactly sure. Does anyone get that magazine? If so I would like to know if that is indeed how it works.



  1. I believe it is by touch. LEDs can sense touch.

  2. Hi Smith,

    Thanks very much for the link, it is fantastic. If you could translate it I would appreciate it! I would add it to the main article for others to enjoy.
    That is one crazy 3D picture in the lower left of the article.

  3. Here is the rough Google translation of Polish to English:

    Electronic Candle XXI
    zaÅ›wiecana century … match,
    gaszona by
    “Zduszenie fingers.”
    It works
    minds working for each observer.
    Spectacular use of
    trójkolorowej LED, RGB,
    in a completely unusual way:
    as a light sensor,
    and as a source of light.
    A surprisingly simple layout
    – Only one oÅ›mionóżkowy
    integrated circuit.
    It does not require calibration, you must
    only set the desired
    Typical power supply: 9V battery.
    The scope of supply voltage 15V .. 7.
    Current consumption: 20mA at 9V.

    On obserwatorach makes a great impression
    how it works: electronic presentation
    a candle, “light” is approaching for a while
    LEDs light up to match, possibly
    lighter. The LED light if
    mysterious, purple (blue and red)
    light. Douse it can be
    similar to what a simple quenching odważniejsi
    a candle from the “flame zduszenie” fingers.
    In fact zgaszenie is
    on approaching any LEDs
    of course clear that
    reflected light.
    The action of the show
    filmiki placed
    as well as additional materials to Elportalu
    to the number 5 / 2008.
    The project is an interesting example of unusual
    LEDs use trzykolorowej
    RGB, which in addition to its classical function
    act as an exceptionally light sensor – photodiode.
    given above.
    Piotr Gorecki

  4. Hi everybody,
    Let me present my simplified explanation:
    The RGB LED emits red and blue light (forming purple “flame”) but the green structure is used as a photo-diode. The photo-diode reacts on the light of flame and switches on the candle. When the candle is off the photo-diode reacts on the light of red and blue LEDs reflected by some bright object (i.e. finger).

    The magazine “Elektronika dla wszystkich” contains a lot of interesting projects. I would also recommend forum http://www.elektroda.pl – Polish only unfortunately 😉

  5. Hey
    If You want to build ‘Purple magic lamp – a candle of 21-st century’ (kit AVT-766) You should have this:

    PDF doesn’t say important things. Everything is about lighting a 3-colour LED (with common anode) with a match and extinguishing it with fingers or any bright thing, that reflects light. LED is used as a ‘classic’ Light Emitting Diode and as a fotodiode as well.

    Best regards

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