Twatch – Twitter Watcher


Dangerous Prototypes has released a cool new prototype. The Twatch is sure to keep you on top of your Twitter information.

Thanks Ian.

"The #twatch connects directly to Twitter and scrolls the latest trending topics and related tweets on an LCD screen. It’s a stand-alone network appliance that stays updated without a PC. It was awesome to watch #iranelection, Michael Jackson, and other historic events scroll by while we developed the #twatch. This article documents the #twatch hardware and design."


  1. Awesome name.

  2. this is just “nittpicking” ,but why does the text say “LCD screen” when the video clearly states that it uses a VFD screen ? … most “nerds” would see that is`s not a LCD screen thou but a VFD screen. Just a typo I guess 😉

    BTW I like the VFD displays betteren for these kinda small projects 🙂 Love the glow and retro feel 🙂

  3. Agreed, that name is full of win. Don’t ever change it.

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