scoreLight – Musical Laser


The scoreLight project by Alvaro Cassinelli, Daito Manabe and Yusaku Kuribara is an amazing piece of technology since it changes the way we would normally interact with a system. Simply draw some lines on the paper or cup your hands to interact with scoreLight. It reminds me of the the freedom that the Drawdio project allowed.

"scoreLight is a prototype musical instrument capable of generating sound in real time from the lines of doodles as well as from the contours of three-dimensional objects nearby (hands, dancer’s silhouette, architectural details, etc). There is no camera nor projector: a laser spot explores the shape as a pick-up head would search for sound over the surface of a vinyl record – with the significant difference that the groove is generated by the contours of the drawing itself. The light beam follows these countours in the very same way a blind person uses a white cane to stick to a guidance route on the street."


  1. Umm, can I get a “Smart Laser Scanner” pls?

  2. my cat will go craze on it

    This is some cool stuff!

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