September 23, 2009

R2D2 has 8 Game Consoles inside

  Console makers are always trying to make their machine sleeker and sexier than the competition. In the end the consoles usually look like a black or white rectangular box. If you are tired of the ordinary why not stuff all of your favorite consoles in something that look cool like a R2D2? That is exactly what Brian De Vitis did! Via: Popular Science via Hack N Mod  

AION game played using Treadmill and Wiimote sensing Flapping

The guys over at Mana Potions have developed a cool new way to play the new AION and get some exercise at the same time. Looks like running and flapping at the same time may be kind of hard but it is a good idea to get a bit of a workout. I wonder how long it will be before more game consoles and game manufactures make exercise part of

Balloon Experiments with Amateur Radio- Launch 4

  Sending a balloon into near space has been done quite a few times by the BEAR group in Alberta Canada. Have a look at the details of their 4th launch where Tomoya Kamiko from Japan came to Canada with his HD camera to take it into space! "The balloon and camera were launched at 7:44 AM, the balloon burst at 10:51 AM at 107,145 ft. and the camera landed