GPS guided ATV


Have a look at this complex GPS guided ATV project. I can just imagine a group of these things in an amusement park allowing automated carts to provide an automatic tour. More details can be found here.

Thanks Amnon

"This is a kids ATV modified to be controlled from a innovation first controller (Servo stirring and Victor 884 motor controller). The controller is connected to a laptop that in it’s turn connected to a compass and a GPS receiver. On the PC there is a virtual map of the test arena , and using ASTAR algorithm and the Data from the GPS and the compass the ATV can fined it’s route from any starting point in the arena to a preentered destination point. For better accuracy the WAAS / EGNOS GPS Augmentation system can be applied! "


  1. Using GPS to steer an ATV? How does it handle the fact that GPS can be horribly inaccurate?

  2. “The voice in your head” You are very right!

    The GPS (in) accuracy is some thing like 15 m. if we are using WAAS the accuracy is some thing like 3 m (much better !) .

    The map is built from squares with the GPS resolution and the obstacles are mostly enlarge to fill the square (i.e. if we got an obstacle in a square , all the square is an un pass able ).

    The A star algorithm is looking for a pass with in the pass able squares on the map. And the robot is traversing from square to square using a compass , 5 rang sensors’ and it should use wheels encoder too.

    For more info about this (and other project) in English this time, look in the next link :

    You are very right!
    The GPS (in) accuracy is some thing like 15 m. if we are using WAAS the accuracy is some thing like 3 m (much better !) .

    The map is built from squares with the GPS resolution and the obstacles are mostly enlarge to fill the square (i.e. if we got an obstacle in a square , all the square is an un pass able ).

    The A star algorithm is looking for a pass with in the pass able squares on the map. And the robot is traversing from square to square using a compass , 5 rang sensors’ and it should use wheels encoder too.

    For more info look on “more info” on the youtube page and about this and other projects in English this time, look in the next link :



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