DIY AVR Photo Frame


Photo frames are coming down in price as each week goes by. But what fun is it to go to the department store and pick one up. Have a look at this page for some info on a DIY AVR Photo Frame build.


  • DIY photo frame
  • Using AVR microcontroller.
  • Display on QVGA TFT 3.2” 240×320 pixel 16 bit color
  • Using BMP file format with out convert.
  • File store on SD card.
  • Keep small program size.
  • Fast display as fast as possible.


  • Atmega8,16,32 8 bit microcontroller from
  • SD card
  • QVGA BL-TFT240320PLUS from It come with include SD card slot. 8/16 bit interface."


  1. Thanks, I never thought about using AVR microcontrollers for something like DIY photo frame.
    It is a great idea, my only concern is power consumption.

  2. We present it as DIY. To think that it was happen in 8 bit microcontroller 8k code 1k ram.
    A release 02 change to read sd card with stream, It use a little ram and fast.
    thank to Petit FatFs from (C)ChaN (

  3. I looked at the webpage for purchasing the display. At the top of the page is the company’s (poorly chosen/poorly translated) slogan, “Request trust we.” I’m assuming they mean, “Please trust us.” Haha, no thanks.

  4. Hi Nature TM. We are thai comapny. we use thai language. We are not good in language.
    We are electronic designer team. Customer let us to develop his product. So we use “Request truest we” is our slogan.
    We design our LCD TFT module to easy to for many developer, who want to use it. we leave code, schematic.
    Every one can prove. It’s work or not. The product is only interface board. The success is your design belong to you. We give only information.
    We write article how to DIY photo frame from it. To prove it work or not. It is not a perfect project. AVR is a small 8 bit microcontroler. It is an idea. To bring your to an idea to use the product. It’s up to you. not us.
    If you don’t like our product. You can build it your self. we has(have) schematic on web. only download, view schematic, create pcb, find component, build a board. Or you can trust us or other company, who have similar product. It depend on you.

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