October 19, 2009

Surface Mount Component Removal using a Heat Gun

  Surface mount rework stations are very expensive, Openschemes shows us that it is possible to perform Surface Mount Component Removal using a Heat Gun. "Now it doesn’t matter much WHICH heat gun you use, although it should be able to produce a good bit of air at >300C. In our experience, long heating times due to using a weaker gun are the biggest cause of PCB burn, bulge, or

Capacitive Touch Sensor Halloween Pumpkin

  A Nerdkit microcontroller is used in this Capacitive Touch Sensor Halloween Pumpkin for some great effects! Full details are provided so that you can add this cool effect to your own projects. The sensor components are just aluminum foil which is great since you probably have some in your kitchen cupboard. Thanks Humberto. "Capacitive proximity sensors work because people are mostly water, and water is a very polar molecule,

GPS Hunt Project

  This GPS Hunt Project is very interesting, the box is electronically locked and the only way to open it (without using the emergency backdoor) is to go to a certain location. It gives lets you know how far from the target location you are each time the button is pressed but you only have 50 presses to figure it out.  Thanks for the tip Jim. "Major components 1 Arduino