December 15, 2009

4DSystems TTL Camera

Anna Ceguerra saw the prize for the contest this week and sent in some of the work she has been doing with the 4D Systems components. “This demo shows how to communicate between a uOLED display and the uCAM. The 4DGL code attached includes the following functionality: A text-based menu system on the uOLED, displaying the various initialisation parameters for the uCAM The uOLED initalising communication with the uCAM The

Hard Drive Platter Wallet

Mikey Sklar has put together an interesting wallet, it is made out of hard drive platters. As you know we have a soft spot for anything made from Hard Drives here at Hacked Gadgets. “I took apart a dead hard drive that I had dumpster dived last year initially for the magnets, but I could not take my eyes off of the platters. The magnet would just be trouble with